Friday, April 30, 2010


Life seems to be going by so fast now that we are in the house.  Sometimes I forget to take pictures, but this day Madison needed a rest and thought the feed trough looked comfy.

Look at how big Amelia has gotten

The Sheep are just trying to get some shade, however Tank thinks it is all his

 This is one of my favorite places, just sitting in the cool shade by the creek

We made a pen and treatment area to treat the sheep and trim hooves.  We ended up using it a lot since the 'free' sheep were infected with hoof rot.

Eric likes to sit in the pasture and 'watch' the animals.  This day he took a chair and left it there.  He didn't realize that the steers would see it as a play toy.  It took me hours to get that chair off his head.  And lets just say by the time it was off it was no longer a chair.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The cutest thing...

Isn't this the cutest thing you ever saw?

This is a 7 week old Dexter calf. He is just so tiny. We have decided, after much research, that we are going to raise Dexter cows and steers. They are a bit smaller than other breeds and they are also fair milkers.

This farm has 2 Dexter females for sale so we are buying one and our friends Mary and Kevin are getting the other. Madison can't wait until we have one of these on our farm for her to love.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Cows...

Here they are....alot bigger than they were last april.
These are our heifers, Red (in the back) and Bessie (in the front). They are girlfriends, they stick together. Bessie is a bit of a bully, especially to the smaller boys.

That is 'Steak' giving this one a rub on the butt. Steak is REALLY friendly.

Madison named this one 'munch-n-crunch'

They tend to hang out together. If ones moves too far away the rest will eventually follow.

Today Madison and I finished fixing the creek pastures. It was really hot, but we finally got it all done.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools!!!

No joking here, just alot of work. The grass is growing and the animals need to be moved. Today we fixed the wire on the creek fence. It has not been fixed since the first flood in December. After that flood I only fixed the pasture that the sheep were actually in. Then after the second flood in January I decided to move the whole fenceline back over the rise, so we wouldn't take the chance for the rushing waters to take out anymore fenceline. We kept the fenceline on the creek for a separate pasture to be used in the spring and summer months. So now is time to fix it up and get the cows in there to eat the grass. We focused mainly on the area under all of the trees in pasture 4. We are fencing this for the cows mostly, they really need the grass.

We also finished pasture 2 for the sheep. Since Kandee and Jim were there we were able to carry that huge/heavy roll of wire. However trying to go over the mucky ditch with the heavy wire was impossible. Jim stopped when he felt himself getting stuck and that made me REALLY get stuck. I had to actually crawl out on my hands and knees. We did it differently on the way back.