Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Orchard plants are finally mulched
One of many 'foot baths' for the sheep.  After trimming the hooves they had to stand in this solution to kill the bacteria that causes hoof rot.
We decided after making 2 of those cages for the garden boxes that it would just be easier to fence the garden.  Madison is such a good helper.
Garden gate
Fenced garden is all finished.  No critters eating our veggies now.

Tanner just loves the black raspberries.  We couldn't keep him out of them.  We decided to let him have all he wanted before the sheep got in there to trim down the plants.
Time to trim the fence line

Lots...and lots...and lots of grass

The sheep are going to love all this grass...I am just glad the trimming is almost finished.

A view from near the orchard and the last line to be trimmed.

Late June is peach canning time.  I had 5 bushels of peaches (that is 10 boxes)

We ran 2 canners all morning and into the late afternoon.  We didn't have air conditioning in the house yet so it was 97 by the front door...102 in the dining room where the peeling was taking place and 110 at the stove (I think, the digital thermometer just read 'hot' but I know it goes to 109 at least).
All total we canned 147 quarts of peaches...aren't they beautiful!