Saturday, October 23, 2010


Two months old now and still growing fast.
Tank was really wanting to see those puppies..we wonder if he knows they are his.
These guys are little escape is a full time job just keeping them in a pen.
This is the woods in front of the house...the fog stayed late this particular morning and it made for a beautiful picture.
Look at this motley crew!
After rain storm I have got to check the creek and make sure there isn't anything major blocking the creek for the next storm. This is an area that has a tendency to dam up.
Out working with the sheep...look at all those lamb chops...mmm, mmm, mmm
It's October and I still have grass....not the greatest anymore, but we still have some
One last set of fall lambs...really not prepared for these guys.
...and more puppies!

This one is my favorite...just look at that little stance.