I can't tell you exactly how much fence line we will have when finished. But I can tell you that it is alot.
I spent most of the day yesterday trimming fence line so we can put on the bottom line for the sheep. I went through 4 tanks of gas and an entire spool of line. I calculated I did about 1550 feet of fence line and only finished one and a half pastures.
I cannot begin to express how much I loath trimming. I do whatever I can to reduce the need for trimming. For me it isn't about the job actually, but the equipment.
The trimmers are usually too long, requiring me to hold my body in an uncomfortable position. They are usually also heavy, meaning that the arm that supports the motor is going to hurt alot afterwards, especially if it vibrates alot. Lastly they are almost always difficult to start. With my last one it was so difficult to start that I began praying before I started and then begging it to startup as I continued to pull the string
So for me just the purchase of the trimmer was painful. But off to the Co-Op I went and found a trimmer that was shorter and not so heavy. Hopefully it will be easy to start.
I got to the farm, timmer in hand and proceeded to start the object of my dirision. Of course, it didn't start. So I followed all of the steps in the manual for " if the engine doesn't start", to no avail. Then I got to the part about checking that the spark plug is clean. It was then that I realized that the spark plug wasn't even connected. I plugged it in and it started on the first try, this was way too easy.
So I got into the pasture and started it up again and got to work. It was heavy, but not impossibly so, and it did vibrate my arms a little, but not so much I had to stop. I decided I would work at least until I got to the lower gate, then break for lunch.
When I got back I felt so satisfied by what I had accomplished that I decided to finish the pasture and then go until the gas ran out. Unfortunatley the string ran out before the gas and I had to stop.
My arms were tired and achy, but it was so nice to see those trimmed fence lines this morning when I got back.