We spent all of last Saturday, and Sunday working on the fences and mom and the kids and I spent all of Monday finishing the fences. We got almost all of the perimeter posts in the ground with insulators on by Saturday at 5pm (thanks Mary and Kevin for all of your help).
Sunday we planned the first pasture and Mom and Dad and I worked on getting the inner fence line set and insulated. We also got almost all of the barbed wire up for the watering spots for the first 2 pastures (Eric worked really hard to get that finished).
Monday, Mom and the kids and I spent the better part of the morning lugging those heavy rolls of wire around and installing the wire. We got 3 of the 5 lines up with handles and hooks and gates. The girls and I also finished the barbed wire for the first water spot. I wanted to get the electric on, but I was missing 2 grounding rods and the insulated wire.
We all worked really hard, and we all slept really good those nights. During this time I learned the importance of good shoes. I have an old pair of work boots that I bought at Walmart (boys size 6, since they don't carry women's). They really didn't fit well and my feet hurt so much I almost couldn't walk after sitting for an hour. I really do need new boots, but the fence is done!
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