While I was at the farm monday morning working on the fences the excavator came to start working on the footers. We are so excited, we have waited so long it was getting to the point where it seemed like a dream and it would never get started.
First they needed to cut down the big hickory tree. It was huge and they had a really hard time getting down. I was actually standing there waiting to get video of it falling and my battery died while I waited, so all I have is the before and after pictures. Yes, that huge tree is the one cut down.

Here is the tree all piled up at the end of the lower clearing (I am not looking forward to getting that all cut up and stacked).

It is really strange to see that area without the tree now, it looks completely different. We left the stump as a reminder of the tree and as a place to chop wood later for the wood stove (although we will have to level the cut).
Finally, the footers for the house are dug. Today the concrete was poured and if it doesn't rai

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