Monday, September 28, 2009

Dairy goats

Eric has been talking about getting dairy goats for some time. He finally found some...where else, the Trader.

For those not familiar with the Tennessee Trader it is a publication that is free to advertise in and only costs $1 to buy. In the Trader we have found:
1. our land
2. our cows
3. our chickens
4. Sheba

and now...
5. our dairy goats

We now have 1 very pregnant Nubian named Moon and another pregnant LaMancha that looks alot like the Alpine we lost. Madison named her Kelly.

Along with the ladies we were 'given' a billy named Melvin. Now if you know anything about goats you will know that billys are notorious for the way they smell...nasty. Melvin fits the bill, he stinks. The reason they smell so foul is due to goat cologne. No, it is not something that we do to them, the billys will actually pee on their face to attract a female. I don't know about the other goats, but I do not find it enticing at all.

This is Snowflake and Cream. We are hoping that Melvin will work his stinky magic with them also and give us a few more brushmowers for next spring.

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