Monday, October 26, 2009

Today before I got started on the house I had to do chores out on the farm. It doesn't really seem like a farm yet, since I don't live here, but that is what it is.

They were a bit thirsty this morning. They usually don't like to get near the running water and never stick their heads in until there are a few inches.

We had our neighbor deliver a roll of hay yesterday. This roll was 2600 pounds. This is what they did in just one evening. They are such messy eaters.

Theya re also extremely curious, they are always watching me.

And following me...

A view of the house from the pasture.

The house is all painted now. I put on the finishing touches this morning. Today the soffit was delivered. The porch makes a really great loading dock.

You might be curious about the hole in the foundation. That is for the composting toilet that is currently being stored in the shed.

Sampson, Tank and Sheba guarding the sheep...and hoping we will stop by for a pet.

The sheep are really happy with their hay bale. Theirs was a bit smaller, only 2200 pounds.

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