Thursday, January 1, 2009

One down 100 to go...

It seems like there are just so many things to do. We finally got the survey of our land the day after Christmas. We have been waiting for it since the 20th of Nov. With rain and the days that the surveyor had off (seemed like every day that it didn't rain), he finally finished on Christmas Eve. Now we can finally get started on the list of many things that need to be done to build the house. First of all the driveway. We found out last week that if we don't get a driveway in, we won't be able to pull off the road any longer. The ground is so soft and muddies so quickly that I would never get our van back out after I pull in.

It is amazing to me how many contractors are on vacation for the entire holiday season. We only found 1 person so far that is working and will come out to give us an estimate for the driveway. No contractors that do foundations are working right now so we have to wait....again. Once those two things are done we can do the rest ourselves and have only our own procrastination to blame (hopefully that will be at a minimum).

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