I realized that I never got a post on here that included a picture of the chickens in the 'chicken tractor' or 'egg mobile'.
After the chickens spent ?? weeks in the shed making a mess we got them out in the chicken tractor. We did put them in there a bit early. They were still a little small and we had to be really careful that they couldn't get out the bottom. We did have one bad morning when some had escaped.

That morning about 7 chickens were out in the orchard. Madison came in to get me to help her capture them, she was really upset since they were her responsibility. Kaiser (the Rottweiler) had already caught one and was proceeding to devour it. Brindle (little mutt) and Gideon (black lab) were chasing the remaining chickens. Sampson (Anatolian shepard-livestock guardian) had a chicken sitting right next to him and he just looked at it, then Brindle came to chase it and Sampson laid a 'beat down' on Brindle.
The 'chicken tractor' or 'egg mobile' is a really neat contraption. It is a movable chicken coup that allows the chickens to graze and eat bugs. It keeps them contained, they have a place to roost under the roof and they have a place to lay their eggs that we can get to easily. The olny drawback is you have to move it daily and it is very heavy. I can move it by myself, but the girls can't.
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