I have come to 'not hate' my extremely early mornings. I know when my alarm goes off that I don't want to get up, but then I think about how hot it will be by 11 am and how awful it will be by 1pm and I am up and making sandwiches and getting kids up to do chores (yes, chores before breakfast!).
So once again we are ready for work at 6:30, Eric can only work until the sun comes out (an antibiotic for his incredibly infected ingrown toenail caused this), so we want to get as much finished as early as we can.
Since Dad and I had all of the other squaring and straightening work finished we were able to help with the flooring. We started one sheet and as soon as it was nailed in place on the corners we got started with the next one (while the rest with the hammers nailed in that first sheet). At one point I think we had 3 sheets going at the same time, but those nailers were quick and they didn't let us get too far ahead of them.

Tanner was having fun today. He decided to make designs with the hammers when they weren't being used.

We had finished half of the main house flooring on friday (16 1/2 sheets) and we had already done that much by 11 am today (amazing what a little experience can do). It was hotter today and the sun came out earlier, so we drank alot more water and gatorade (thanks Mom!) and Tanner was a lot grumpier (he even took a nap after lunch).
I think the neatest part of the day (other than everyone worked so well together) was when the kids started having a water fight with our drinking water (it was cold and refreshing, and we were almost finished...thankfully).
We also got the temporary electric pole in today, finally. Dad and Morgan dug the hole early when the sun wasn't out. Then 4 of us carry it to the hole and put it in. It really doesn't look like it should be that heavy, but man was that difficult.

The guy from the electric company was also here to stake the line for the electric today, and to give us the bad news how much it will cost us. He tried to take the line over the field to save us some footage (and money), but the span was too great and he couldn't put a pole in the field. So it has to come all the way down the street and up the driveway. At least we will finally have electric and we can use the nail gun (for all of those hard to reach places, like the bracers under the floor). Now all we have to do is cut down a tree and wait for them to put up the poles and lines.
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