We have here what we call Pooh clouds. They are the clouds like you see on Winnie the Pooh. The kind of clouds that you can lay down on the lawn and just stare up at them and see different shapes in them...a dragon smoking a pipe, a rabbit's head and ears...

One day Nana was driving with Tanner and she said "look at all the puffy clouds". Well, he wasn't quite 2 years old, and he remembered that. He couldn't say puffy clouds, so he said puppy clouds. And to this day, every time the puppy clouds are out, Tanner will let you know.

Another awesome occurrence we have here are beautiful sunsets (and sunrises over the river). I can't quite explain how beautiful some of them are, I need to just start taking more pictures. Here is the one that we had on Sunday night while we were moving the sheep fencing.

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