Sunday, June 21, 2009

Weekend four

We start early..... The sun is barely up, but who am I kidding, I am barely up. Since it gets so hot now and we are exhausted and sweaty long before lunch we have decided to start at the crack of dawn. I think each day we decide to start earlier.

This was my view Friday morning as I went back home for the gas can at 7am. Sometimes the beauty of this earth amazes me!

Tanner has been having a blast building our house. He was so excited to go, he wanted to make sure I didn't leave him behind. Sometimes when we start really early I leave him home with Morgan until they are up and animal chores are finished and then I pick them up. He just gets so upset when he wakes up and we have gone to work on the house and he didn't get to go.

His #1 job is to collect all of the scrap wood and haul it in the wagon to the scrap pile. Some days he takes it very seriously, other days...his neck hurts. That is a story for another day, but that is what he says when he doesn't want to do any work (he also sometimes uses that line at home when asked to pick up his toys and books).

He was so excited when Papa let him stand in his room on the lumber.

Here is our restful set-up, well as restful as it gets in the 95 degree heat with no breeze. We have a canopy, a few chairs, a 5 gallon thermos of water and a few sheets to keep the sun at bay.

On Friday we continued working on the floor joists. We got alot done on Friday with only about 200 square feet to finish on Saturday. Mom and I continued to saw the boards while Dad worked on aligning the joists and nailing them in (a much harder job, I admit).

Eric mentioned the other day that everyone has a picture on here except me, well... here is me working on the bracers (metal bridging) for the joists. Not sure how he expects me to get a picture of myself when I am the one taking the pictures though. This was a rather precarious job. Mom decided after getting up there that this wasn't the job for her.

We had a few of the remaining joists laid across the joists and I had to scoot along that board and nail in the bracers. Obviously once up there I didn't want to come down until I was finished. Unfortunately it was extremely hot by the time we got to this point and the board was very, very hot. I would not recommend this as a weight loss regimen, but I think I melted off all fat on my tooshie (Tanner's word) from scooting down that boards for 45 minutes in the blazing sun.

Eric spend his time working with Dad and putting in the final nails along the front of the house to attach the joists to the sill plate. Isn't it great that I know all of these technical terms? I almost sound like I know what I am doing...not to be confused with I take direction well and have a decent memory.

I have to take some time to give some kudos to my parents. Without their help we would never be able to get this done. Mom takes care of alot of the normal every day stuff that I would get to eventually, like toilet paper, paper towels, plates, etc. She also makes sure we always have water and Gatorade (or Gladorgade, as Tanner likes to say) available. This is another one of those thankless jobs, but extremely necessary, and I am very thankful that she does it so willingly. I know to her it seems like she sits around alot (when we are not sawing constantly), but she is always there to do whatever is needed (especially bringing drinks).

Dad will tell you he doesn't know what he is doing, but don't let him fool you. He spends most of his time doing the leveling, aligning, squaring know, all the stuff seems like it that takes forever to accomplish. I don't envy him is job, but he is good at it, no matter what he says. So here is to you Mom and Dad, thanks for everything you do.

This is the beautiful picture of the bracers that I nailed in. You might not be able to see it so well, but it is such a nice straight line, I do so love straight lines.

So that is what we got done this week, until next time, be happy and healthy and stay in the shade.

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